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I'm Latif.

I'm a Full Stack Developer

I've spent the last 3 years building 💻 and scaling 📱 software for some pretty cool companies. I also teach people to build websites and applications 🚀. Let's connect! 🌐

My Skills

React Native
Ionic Angular

About Me.

Hi there! I'm a fullstack developer with a passion for exploring the latest technologies and pushing the boundaries of what's possible. With experience in both frontend and backend development, I'm able to bring a comprehensive understanding to any project I work on. From designing intuitive user interfaces to crafting robust server-side solutions, I enjoy the challenge of building elegant, scalable applications that meet the needs of users and businesses alike. Let's connect and see how we can work together to bring your ideas to life!


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Niilano Marketplace

Niilano is an online marketplace that I developed as a part of my works done, using a combination of cutting-edge technologies such as Ionic Angular, Node.js, Express.js, and PostgreSQL. Niilano is designed to connect buyers and sellers from all over the world, providing a secure, fast, and easy-to-use platform for buying and selling goods and services also including renting and hiring of services. One of the key features of Niilano is its advanced search functionality, which allows users to quickly and easily find the products or services they're looking for.

To build Niilano, I used Ionic Angular for the frontend, which provided a robust and responsive user interface that could handle a large volume of data. For the backend, I relied on Node.js and Express.js, which offered a fast and scalable framework for building web applications. Finally, PostgreSQL served as the database, providing a powerful and flexible platform for managing large amounts of data. One of the biggest challenges I faced during the development process was ensuring that the platform was secure and reliable. To address this, I implemented a range of robust security measures, including advanced encryption technologies and user authentication protocols. Looking to the future, I have plans to expand Niilano's features and functionality, providing even more advanced tools and resources for buyers and sellers. Overall, Niilano is a valuable addition to my portfolio, showcasing my expertise in building secure, fast, and user-friendly applications.

© 2023
Abdul-Latif Mohammed